A Complete Guide to Growing Wild Ginger in Your Garden

A Complete Guide to Growing Wild Ginger in Your Garden
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Growing wild ginger (Asarum canadense) is easy and rewarding. It has a wonderful scent, it attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, and has a long history of use in the herbal medicine field. You may be surprised to learn that the root of this plant has been used for centuries to treat rheumatism, fevers, colds, arthritis pain, and other ailments. Wild ginger is native to North America but it can also be found growing in China where it’s very popular as an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

What is wild ginger?

Wild ginger is a perennial herb that has a long history of use in herbal medicine. It’s native to China, Japan and Korea, where it has been used as both food and medicine since ancient times.

The rhizome (the underground stem) of wild ginger is used to make ginger ale and other beverages; it’s also used in cooking.

How to grow wild ginger

Wild ginger is a perennial plant that can be grown in your garden. It’s hardy and doesn’t require much care, making it a great choice for novice gardeners. To grow wild ginger, you’ll need to plant its roots or rhizomes in fall so they have enough time to establish themselves before winter arrives. Plant them in full sun and well-drained soil that is slightly acidic (pH 5-6). Water regularly during the growing season but keep the roots moist until harvest time–ideally, harvest before frost hits so the leaves don’t dry up or get damaged by freezing temperatures

Why You Should Grow Wild Ginger

Wild ginger is a perennial plant that can be grown in your garden. It’s easy to grow, edible and has many medicinal properties. You can use wild ginger to spice up your cooking as well as make teas or tinctures for health benefits.

The bright green leaves of this herb have a distinct smell that will remind you of ginger root but not quite as strong. The flowers are white with purple stripes on them and they bloom in springtime before the leaves emerge from their buds on long stems above ground level

When to plant the root or rhizome?

Ginger can be planted in early spring, late summer, or fall. If you choose to plant your ginger rhizomes in the winter months (which is ideal for colder climates), make sure they are well insulated with mulch and/or straw to protect them from frost.

How to plant the root or rhizome in your garden?

If you want to grow wild ginger in your garden, the first thing you need to do is prepare the soil. Wild ginger needs a well-drained soil that’s rich in organic matter and nutrients. If possible, choose a spot where there’s plenty of sun exposure. Dig up about 3 inches (7 cm) of dirt from around where you want to plant your rhizome or root, then mix it with compost until it looks like rich brown loam–but not too wet!

As long as they’re planted correctly and given proper care, wild gingers can survive drought conditions better than many other plants do; however they do best when watered regularly but not excessively so (it’s important not to over-water). It may also be helpful if you add mulch around their base so that water doesn’t evaporate too quickly from underneath them.

Growing wild ginger is easy and rewarding

Wild ginger is a perennial plant that’s easy to grow and a great addition to your garden.

You can grow wild ginger from root or rhizome, which makes it an ideal plant for beginners. It produces fragrant flowers in late summer, which attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies.


If you’re looking for a unique, fragrant plant that will add some spice to your garden, then wild ginger is the perfect choice. It’s easy to grow and care for and will provide years of enjoyment. The best part about growing wild ginger is that once it has been established in your yard, it requires little maintenance!

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