Creative Ways to Incorporate Trees into Urban Spaces

Creative Ways to Incorporate Trees into Urban Spaces


Trees have a long history of being used in urban design. For centuries, people have planted trees along streets and sidewalks to create shade and beautify their surroundings. In recent years, however, urban planners are also looking to trees as a way to provide more than just aesthetic value: they can help mitigate the effects of climate change, improve air quality and reduce runoff. Here are some creative ways you can incorporate trees into your own urban space:

Create a space for people to gather around.

Trees can be used to create a space for people to gather and sit. Trees can also be used to create a space that is safe and beautiful.

Make a boardwalk.

A boardwalk is a walkway made of wood, usually elevated above the ground. You can use them for walking, jogging or biking. They’re often used to connect two areas of land that are not connected by roads (like an island).

Make a treehouse or other outdoor play area.

  • Make a treehouse.
  • Safety considerations: Make sure your treehouse is high enough off the ground that it’s safe for children to play in, but low enough that adults can reach them easily. Consider installing a ladder or steps so people with mobility issues can access your creation without assistance. If you’re planning on using wood, make sure you have proper fall protection in place and follow OSHA regulations regarding maximum height above ground level (15 feet).
  • Accessibility considerations: Include ramps or other non-slip surfaces so all kids–even those who use wheelchairs–can enjoy this activity together. Also think about whether it would be helpful to have handrails along each level of the structure so kids don’t slip when climbing up or down stairs; these are especially important if there are no railings installed around open sides of your creation!

Add an outdoor feature, such as an outdoor kitchen or fire pit.

If you’re looking for a way to make your urban space feel more like home, adding an outdoor feature is sure to do the trick. Whether it’s a fire pit or some other type of feature (like an outdoor kitchen), incorporating trees into your urban design will help keep things balanced and cozy.

You can use metal or stone fire pits as well as simple holes in the ground for burning wood or coal. You can build these features out of bricks, stones, concrete–anything that suits your fancy! If you don’t want something permanent but still want some warmth from the flames during the chilly nights of fall and winter (or any time really), consider using portable options like folding chairs with cushions attached so they don’t blow away with each gust of wind coming off Lake Michigan!

Plant trees that can attract insect life and birds.

  • Trees that attract insects
  • Trees that attract birds
  • Trees that attract both insects and birds

Insects are an important part of the ecosystem and can be found on every continent in the world. Many people don’t realize that bees, butterflies and other flying creatures are also pollinators for trees. These plants depend on them for their survival; if they didn’t have their help, there would be no fruit or vegetables! It’s important to plant trees that attract these insects so they can do their job well!

Trees can add beauty and utility to any urban space

Trees can provide many benefits to urban spaces, including:

  • Beautification. Trees add beauty and interest to the landscape. They also make a space more inviting for people to spend time in.
  • Utility. Trees provide shade, which helps mitigate the urban heat island effect; they clean the air we breathe by absorbing pollutants; they help reduce noise pollution by absorbing sound waves; and they help manage stormwater runoff by slowing down rainwater before it reaches sewers or waterways


We hope these ideas have inspired you to consider the possibilities of trees in your city.

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