How to Choose the Right Shrubs for Your Climate

How to Choose the Right Shrubs for Your Climate
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Shrubs can be a beautiful addition to your yard, but they’re not all created equal. For example, you might want to plant a flowering tree in the spring to help attract birds. If you live in a climate where it snows regularly in winter, however, this would be a terrible idea because the tree would die and leave your house looking barren until spring arrives again. To keep these problems from happening (and save yourself time), we recommend doing some research on shrub options that work best for your area and climate.

Understanding the characteristics of your season.

When you’re choosing shrubs, it’s important to consider the seasons in which they will bloom. There are two main seasons: summer and winter.

In the summer months (May through September), you want to plant shrubs that will flower during spring and summer–when there is ample sunlight and warm temperatures. Fall-blooming shrubs are best planted in the springtime so they can bloom just before winter sets in.

Getting to know your climate.

Before you can make the right decision about which shrubs to plant, you need to know what your climate is. To do this, take note of the following:

  • The average temperature in your area during summer months (June through September).
  • The average temperature in your area during winter months (December through February).
  • The number of days with snowfall each year (typically one day is considered significant). If there’s an abundance of snowfall every winter–like on Mount Rainier in Washington State–you might want to reconsider planting any shrubs that require full sun exposure or dry soil conditions!

Researching the right shrubs for your region.

  • Research your climate. Before you start shopping, it’s important to know what types of plants will work in your area. The best way to do this is by looking up the USDA hardiness zone map for your region. You can find this information online or ask someone at a local nursery or garden center who works with shrubs regularly.*
  • Decide what style you like best and find out if it’s possible in your climate before buying anything!

Choosing plants with the right adaptability and hardiness for your region.

If you’re a gardener in a temperate climate, you need to know what plants will grow in your climate. The best way to do this is by choosing plants that are hardy for your region. These are plants that can survive the cold winters of your area without dying off completely or losing their leaves during dormancy periods (winter). If you live in an area where temperatures dip below freezing regularly (or even just once), then these types of shrubs should be planted near fences or walls so they have something solid behind them to protect them from harsh winds blowing across open spaces such as lawns or gardens

Deciding which shrubs to plant based on their size and growth pattern.

Some shrubs grow tall and wide, blocking out light from other plants in the landscape. Others are more narrow and can be used to create a privacy screen.

If you want your shrubbery to be lush and green all year round, choose evergreen varieties that don’t lose their leaves in winter (the exception being deciduous fruit trees). Deciduous trees shed their leaves every fall so they can store energy for spring growth; however they do need some sunlight during this dormant period or they’ll become unhealthy over time.

There are many different types of shrubs that can help you beautify your home or yard, but you need to understand what climate you live in so they can do their job properly

In order to choose the right shrubs for your climate, you need to know what your climate is. There are many different types of shrubs that can help make your home or yard more beautiful, but they won’t be able to do their job properly if they aren’t planted in the right place.

Here are some tips for choosing the perfect shrub:

  • Know what climate you live in. This will help determine which types of shrubs will thrive best in your region and how much water they need during hot summers or cold winters. Some plants may not even survive harsh weather conditions if they don’t get enough sunlight or warmth from the sun’s rays!


The best way to choose the right shrub is by researching what plants are native to your region. You can also talk with local experts who can help guide you through this process and make sure that your plant choices will thrive in their climate. If you want something that’s easy on the eyes and requires little maintenance, consider choosing evergreen shrubs or ones with colorful foliage like holly or azaleas.

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