The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Shrub for Your Garden

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Shrub for Your Garden
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When it comes to planting shrubs and flowers in your garden, there are many factors to consider. How much sunlight does the area get? What kind of soil do you have? Do you have children or pets that will be interacting with the plants? What do your yard’s current landscape and overall style look like, and what style do you want for it in the long run? These questions can help guide you in picking out shrubs that fit your expectations and lifestyle perfectly.

1. What are your garden’s needs?

  • What kind of plants do you want to grow?
  • How much space do you have for a shrub?
  • What type of soil does your garden have, and how well does it drain?
  • Is there enough sun or shade in your yard for a new shrub to thrive. If not, consider planting it somewhere else in your yard that gets more light–or wait until fall when the plant will be ready for transplanting again.

2. What are your shrubs’ needs?

Once you’ve settled on a general type of shrub, it’s time to consider the specific needs of that species. Here, we’ll cover some of the most important factors:

  • Sun and Shade: How much sun does your plant need? If you live in an area with harsh winters or blazing summers, consider whether your plant will get enough light if planted in full sun; if not, consider planting it under trees or using shade cloth as needed.
  • Watering Needs: How much water does this type of shrub require? Some plants can go months without being watered while others may need daily attention from spring through fall. If possible, try to match what works best for both your garden (soil moisture levels) and yourself (preferred frequency).
  • Soil Type: Does this shrub prefer sandy soil over clay? Does it thrive when planted near bodies of water like lakes or ponds–or would those conditions be harmful instead? Knowing which conditions work best will help ensure longevity once established!

3. What does your yard look like, and what style do you want to achieve in the long run?

Now that you have a better idea of what shrubs are and how to choose them, it’s time to think about your yard. How much space do you have? What kind of yard do you have? What style do you want to achieve in the long run? This is where knowing your soil type comes into play as well. If it’s heavy clay soil that drains poorly, then don’t plant anything with deep roots such as azaleas or rhododendrons because they need good drainage and won’t thrive in those conditions.

Another thing to consider is whether or not there are any obstacles (like fences) that will prevent certain plants from growing where they should be planted. For example: if there’s an 8 foot fence behind my house then I won’t be able to grow tall trees like oaks because they would block my view out back but short shrubs like lavender might work fine since they’re small enough not bother anyone looking out at night while sitting on their porch swing drinking lemonade after dinner when all the kids go inside for homework!

4. Do you have pets or children that will be interacting with the plants you choose?

You may be thinking that the only pets that can be destructive are cats and dogs. However, many people have birds or rabbits as well. If you have a dog or cat, it’s a good idea to make sure your shrubs are safe for them to play in. You also need to make sure they’re not poisonous if your pet eats any part of the plant (this goes for children too!).

If you have children in your home who like to play outside, do not choose any shrub with thorns on it as these could hurt someone accidentally when they run through them while playing soccer or tag.

5. Is a certain color scheme important to you, or is there a particular shade of green that you love?

If you’re looking for a certain color scheme, or if there’s a specific shade of green that you love and want to incorporate into your garden, consider these questions:

  • What colors do I like?
  • How do those colors look together?
  • Will the shrub fit in with the other plants in my garden?

6. What kinds of flowers do you want in your garden, and how much space can they take up?

You should also consider the amount of space you have for flowers. Do you want to plant a large garden, or do you only have room for a few shrubs? If so, what kind of maintenance would be required for those shrubs? Are there any specific types of flowers that will work well in the area where the shrub is going to be planted?

If this sounds like too much work, remember that there are many varieties of shrubs out there–some that require little attention while others need regular watering and pruning (or even staking). You can find something that fits your needs perfectly!

7. How much maintenance are you willing to put into your shrubs and flower beds every week?

The final factor in choosing the right shrub for your garden is how much maintenance you are willing to put into it. If you have a lot of time on your hands, but not much money, then a simple groundcover like ivy or periwinkle may be perfect for the job. However if money is no object and you want something that requires very little work (and looks amazing at all times), then go ahead and plant some trees!

In general I recommend going with something between these two extremes–something that’s not too difficult but still adds beauty to your yard or garden bed without costing an arm and a leg in labor or materials.

These questions will help guide you in choosing shrubs that fit your expectations and lifestyle

  • How much space do I have?
  • What kind of maintenance do I want to do?
  • What kind of climate am I living in?


The best way to choose the right shrub for your garden is by asking yourself these questions and really thinking about what you want out of it. If you’re looking for something that can withstand a lot of abuse from kids or pets, then go with one of the more durable varieties like boxwood or yew. But if all you need is something beautiful and easy-care that won’t take up too much space, then try something like lilac or honeysuckle!

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